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We believe that Jesus loves us ‘where we are’, but just as important, He loves us too much to
leave us where we are. That means it’s His hope, and ours as His church, to be a part of a
spiritual growth process.

We have a process for folks to enter that we feel God has given us as one avenue for growth. If
we do these things, growth will undoubtedly happen. Our spiritual lives will be marked by more
steps forward (no matter how slow or faltering) and fewer steps backward or off track.

We call this structure The Lakeside Path. It is simply what we offer for folks who go beyond
basic church attendance. Scripture calls us to far more than 45 minutes on Sunday. And while
this path includes that, it moves beyond it. The value in these things is determined not merely by
the efforts to create them, but by the value put into them by those hoping to grow.



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